Psicologia Generale Anole Pdf To Word

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Psicologia Generale Anole Pdf To Word

Principi Di Psicologia Moderna Criticamente Esposti, Volumes 1-2. PDF Download. Book Download, PDF Download, Read PDF, Download PDF, Kindle Download. Esposti, Volumes 1-2. PDF Pdf file begin with Intro, Brief Discussion until the Index/Glossary page. Principi Di Psicologia Moderna Criticamente Esposti, Volumes 1-2. PDF Download.

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Psicologia Generale Anole Pdf To Word Free

It has been hypothesised that children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) present memory problems, including working memory deficits. This research is aimed at finding clearer evidence of a working memory deficit in these children. In the first study 22 children that had been referred by teachers as having ADHDsymptomswere compared with a control group. Their performance on a listening span test, drawn up by De Beni, Palladino, Pazzaglia, and Cornoldi (1998), was investigated. In this task the subjects were asked to select the names of animals in word strings and to remember the last word in each string. In a second study, 34 children with ADHD symptoms and 50 control children were presented with a visuospatial working memory task mirroring the verbal task used in Study 1. In both studies, the children with ADHD symptoms had difficulty in remembering the last item in the string and had a higher number of intrusions when memorising items that were not in the final position. The results were interpreted that children with ADHD symptoms have working memory problems because they are not capable of suppressing information that initially has to be processed, and subsequently excluded frommemory. This particular difficulty can be interpreted as an inhibitory processing deficit. The implications of the results in understanding learning difficulties in children with ADHD are discussed.

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